Sunday, October 30, 2011

LOL halloween

alas! good news from the peasants! woke up today from a text. thank god since i went to bed at 6, i would not have woken up. i layed in bed textin miss tori. then i got up and took a bath. felt dog is doing better, so im happy. =) filling out fasfa tomorrow. NOES!!! tori made me read some blog post about this greek goddess. um... was quite interesting... im kinda sleepy tonight. im eating mashed potatoes and watching the mummy returns. i love these movies. tomorrow im going to my grandma's house to hand out candy and such. she might have leukimia <--- tori i cant spell this!!!! :( um, it's almost november.. wth???? it's gonna start snowing... i want to leave. im probably gonna just watch movies tonight. kinda taking it easy tonight. tomorrow will prboably be boring xD

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