Monday, December 5, 2011

new laptop

laptop came today. pretty cool. it's pretty fast and has everything i want. thanked my mom and had her try it out, although she hates computers. i feel a little bit sick, stomach ache again? i feel kinda lonely tonight, got that empty feeling. bleh. it's cold and wet outside. usually i like the rain, but tonight its making new york cold. new york.. i hate you. im still getting used to typing on this thing. kinda hard lol. and i keep trying to use my desktop keyboard xD fail. i fail alo lately. its kinda funny. im waiting for my mom to give me  a date to leave. i said i wanted to leave to soon and my parents werent ready. tori, you called it. i dont really want to stay here for christmas. really wish she would just give me a date already. guess i'll talk to her tomorrow again. feeling really sick

Friday, December 2, 2011

december, oh what will you bring

well, looks like december might be okay. i only really want 1 thing for christmas. im excited, it mark's a new point in my life, i'll be able to leave new york state, which makes me happy. after talking to my mom for 1 hour, she offered me her frequent fly miles which basically means i no longer have to pay for a ticket. which means 450 dollars in my pocket, which leaves me with room to work. now on the decision date to move. i was aiming for the 7th, which still might happen. if i technically convince my parents that with the 500 dollars they just saved me, i can buy a apartment for a month and go from there. in all honesty, i'll probably just buy some sleeping gear and clothes to live. im happy, im excited. it's been a long time since ive wanted to move. more discussion tomorrow! trying to get everything finalized, as long as i can get down there, im happy. more tonight, kinda tired ;p

Sunday, November 27, 2011

i feel stupid

well... today started off okay. went to the Ymca to swim, except i didn't know that i only had 15 mins to swim... ah well no big deal. went up stairs and worked on my pecs... they have gotten weak... worked on shoulders a little bit too. went to Wal-mart for some tank tops (wife beaters) so i get there... and instantly have the feeling my truck is going to get broken into. this is rochester you know, for all you people who think its a safe city (NOT) so i take probably 200 dollars of stuff and put it in my pocket, lock my vehicle, and walk inside. this wal mart was weird. so i walk around and manage to end up in some random section, but i found my wife beaters. normally i go for large size shirts, but i realized that medium has a nicer fit, at least with wife beaters. so im looking for some mediums, all large except for one in the back. hell yes, medium. so knowing wal mart and all the black people trying to get good deals with there gov't funding welfare checks, getting in line was impossible. now usually i go to the fartherest register, usually ppl are to lazy to walk down there, so im thinking im gonna get out quick as always. NOPE huge line of ppl buying like 500 items. eh? worth a shot. walked back and saw this pedofile santa sitting in the middle of the store. he waved at me. it was weird. so i finally get in line (20 items of fewer) and i wait. patience is the key to virtue. finally my turn. walk up and i grabbed a snickers. really wanted it... realized i didnt have enough, so i was like minus the snickers ;( then i didnt have enough for my wife beaters, i walked out of the store, kinda mad that i didnt bring enough  money. while searching through my truck, i found a couple extra bucks, and quarters. lots and lots of quarters. i had enough so i went back and bought them. ready for the huge plot twist? on the way back, i had wondered where i had placed my keys... as im reaching in my pockets trying to find them, i realize they are indeed, locked inside my vehicle. i laughed and said, boy i feel stupid. called my dad and waited for him to unlock my vehicle. i walked back into the store, cmon... its wal mart.... if u cant find something to entertain yourself for 15 mins, you're in trouble :D so i was looking at games and x-boxes and such. looked through computers. then i left and saw my dad. he laughed, HAHHA funny dad >.> thanks though. long boring day. went back to the Ymca then went home. now im sitting here bored.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


i hope my fears and dreams arent real. i am now afraid, afraid of the darkness creeping up on me

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Monday, October 31, 2011

second blog post.

this post is for laughs and giggles. Tori go trick or treating at that pedos house. :D i will not run from her wrath.


hi. happy halloween. this is a holiday where kids get weird candy with hidden pills stuffed inside. so, i dont really feel like going to get free candy tonight. plus ppl would be like, what the hell are u doing? ur like 30! im headin up to my grandmas house for free reese's and pizza. woot. basically, i love this holiday.... people who are assholes to me get wrecked with a hidden flying egg to the face, car, and or house. i was sent some pretty funny videos by tori, and yes, you are mentioned in every post because ur the only one who reads them. anyways, kids, remember the 2 mask trick! and most importantly, dont get raped by people claiming to have candy in their van. or if they are really fat and ugly, and mention they have a van, just run. BEHIND U OMFG. anyways. happy halloween and enjoy getting fat off milky ways and reeses, which happen to be my favorite. so yah, if u get milky ways, mail them to me or else. <3