Friday, December 2, 2011

december, oh what will you bring

well, looks like december might be okay. i only really want 1 thing for christmas. im excited, it mark's a new point in my life, i'll be able to leave new york state, which makes me happy. after talking to my mom for 1 hour, she offered me her frequent fly miles which basically means i no longer have to pay for a ticket. which means 450 dollars in my pocket, which leaves me with room to work. now on the decision date to move. i was aiming for the 7th, which still might happen. if i technically convince my parents that with the 500 dollars they just saved me, i can buy a apartment for a month and go from there. in all honesty, i'll probably just buy some sleeping gear and clothes to live. im happy, im excited. it's been a long time since ive wanted to move. more discussion tomorrow! trying to get everything finalized, as long as i can get down there, im happy. more tonight, kinda tired ;p

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